Lo mejor que echo por mi

Sin duda alguna, realizarme la cirug a de Manga Gastrica me est cambiando para bien mi vida, estoy feliz y muy agradecida con El Doctor Mario & todo el staff son los mejores, los recomiendo, y mi proceso ha sido muy bueno ... *

Best Thing Ever

This was the greatest experience ever! I loved Baja Hospital and all the nurses and of course my dr, Dr Mario Almanza. Everything went perfectly, the surgery went great! The nurses check on you often. It was amazing truly! I am currently about to be 6 months PO and I am feeling so great. I was 205l... *


To be honest, I was a bit skeptical with the idea of leaving the country to start a new weightloss journey. But after some research as well as input from my Healthcare benefits plan along with other medical issues I was having, I realized leaving the country was my best option.
It turned out to... *

Best decision for My Health

I was scared to have the gastric sleeve done, but I was 230 lbs and wasn't very heathy,tired all the time, tried all kinds of diets and couldn't lose weight. A lady I met at work referred me to Dr. Almonzo, he had done gastric sleeve surgery in her 2 years prior. The facility was very nice and clean... *

great decision

gracias doctor he perdido 30 lbs desde la cirujia muy buena la decisi n ... *

Easy breezy!

I started working with weightlossagents.com (WLA) in 2021. When I reached a certain point, and of my own volition, I decided to give working hard on my health and physical goals, without surgery, another try. During that time, I put the procedure on the back burner. When I exhausted my options, I co... *

Very Happy!!

Thes best procedure I can have in my life I feel with a lot energy and very happy ... *

Giving myself time

In just 1 month and have lost 27 lbs. I am still getting use to the new relationship with food. It's harder than I thought but I can't turn back. I am optimistic about my future and believe things will get better for me. But the loss of 27 lbs is very exciting. ... *

Take the time for mental health!

First off, the surgery went great, and Dr Almanza and the whole team at the hospital are outstanding!

I want to highlight something that the psychologist at the hospital told me - it is just as important to look after your mental health post op as it is to follow your diet post op! It will be tough... *

Julia Rodriguez de Purto Rico, mi testimonio

Hola, mi mejor desicion fue esta, el realizarme una manga gastrica, consegu todo lo que necesita arravez de esta agencia, que me simplifico la vida. Excelentes profesionales. Fui operada por el Dr. Mario Almanza, M xico. Comenc mi proceso en 215 lbrs junio 8, 2022 y hoy d a enero 23, 2023 pero 1... *

* These are actual testimonials, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

Meet your coordinator Now !

Get started on your Gastric Sleeve journey today
Next available surgery date is: August 2, 2024
* The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.