did not like the way people looked at me before they got to know me.

it is oct. 2013 and i have lost 190lbs.and 9inches around my waste. I am very happy with the outcome so far. it has not been easy, but I am willing to pay the price, to feel better about myself, because I did this for me and nobody else, because I was depressed all the time; that was not me. if you... *

Pleased and life changing

If you're heavy and unhappy and considering surgery, I recommend Dr. Almanza. I had a really good experience, the hospital was very clean and the team was welcoming and caring. It was the best thing I have ever done, I have lost 80 plus pounds since May and still losing, what a confidence booster.... *

a life changing experience

This was something that,I needed to do. I was tired of not being able to move around. Now since i've lost 55lbs. I feel a lot better, but i have got a long ways to go... *

My Experience with Almanza

This is the best thing I have done for myself. The sleeve does not cure head hunger, but, it does limit what you eat in one sitting, and that is what I expected and received. I have lost 65 lbs. and am not gaining an ounce back. I eat anything I want, but in moderation. I love it! Dr. Almanza and t... *

very happy

These folks offer a top notch service from top to bottom. Their work ethic is fantastic and their professionalism wonderful. If your looking for fancy bells and whistles, there are other outfits that may fit that better. If your looking for hard working, honest, clean , professionals with multitudes... *

Loving life

I am extremely happy with my weight loss results, I lost everything I wanted within the first few months!! I couldn't keep up with clothes that fit!! I went from a size 14 down to a 2, which I never thought was possible. It's now just about 2 years later and I haven't gained an ounce!! The rumors ou... *

Stress free surgery

I am work in the medical community in the United States, so I was very surprised/pleased/excited/liberated to find that the surgery center and the staff at Jerusalem Hospital and Dr. Almanza were so great! I was nervous when I first pulled up to the center, but after spending time with the staff I c... *

Loving my sleeve and I have no regrets!

I had my surgery on June 11,2013, my starting weight was 267, I have lost 55 lbs! As of today I am 212 and couldn't be more happy with my weight loss... Having this surgery has changed my life and I am excited for my future once again. I was always a heavier girl and young women and even after havin... *

My Testimonial

Dr Almanza

You are my hero........ I spent 2 years trying to get my insurance company to cover my surgery but was denied every time due to them not covering Bariatric Surgery. I started searching online after hearing about lower cost procedures being done in foreign countries. When I found several ... *

All fears and doubts were washed away along with my weight

My insurance would not cover the operation in the states and overall cost here too high. Found Weight Loss Agents and Dr. Almanza on the internet. I had questions and doubts about this being a scam but proceeded anyway. I was picked up at the airport and there was another person in the car. She... *

* These are actual testimonials, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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Get started on your Gastric Sleeve journey today
Next available surgery date is: May 9, 2024
* The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.